18 April, 2007

The FUNIEST Conversation EVA!

There was a man called John, who went to visit his girlfriend, Angela at her
husband's house. Unfortunately, he met Angela with her husband in the living
room discussing some of their marital problems. When John came in, the
following dialogue ensued;

John: " Good day, Sir"

Husband: "Good day, can I help you?"

John: "Yes, but woman why are you looking at me?"

Angela: "Look at you? Your face like go and comeback"

John: "Shut up that your mouth like I cannot comeback, come and meet me"

Angela: "Look at him, his eyes like I will come around 7:00pm"

Husband: "But my wife why are you abusing him?"

John: "Leave her, her legs like I will be waiting for you, don't be late. Good Bye"

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