15 April, 2008

An Interesting Image I got

Guess What? I recieved an email from a friend, a relative of sort studying at lancaster in UK.
This was the content:

" Please endeavour to protect your properties/belongings even if it means going an extra mile. Cos once you miss it, you no go see am again."

Isn't it extra funny? To an extent you need to padlock your sleepers to protect yourself against theft? Yet, the lock is more expensive than the pair of sleepr itself. I laughed, laughed until I almost fell down; It was very funny to me... I like funny mails! & the good thing is I often recieve joke messeges from him.

If you have good jokes too; I beg, send them to my email: rufaai{+}gmail.com! That's the only way I do recieve jokes.
